Sunday Sermon – October 31, 2021 – 1 Samuel 28:3-20 – “A Witch for Wooing Up the Dead”
October 31, 2021
A Witch for Wooing Up the Dead
1 Samuel 28
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
This month our TV screens have been full of attempts to woo us in to watch shows that frighten us. I don’t think Michael, in the Halloween sequels, will ever be dead for good! Advertisements for candy have worked for me! Children dressed in costumes will parade down our neighborhood streets this evening, knocking on our doors in search of a trick or a treat. What does the Bible have to say about all this? How can the Church avoid being tricked into believing things about witches and the dead? There is a strange and unexplainable story in 1 Samuel 28 that a sermon might clear this up.
28:3-6 A Paltry Effort at Obedience
28:7-14 A Risky Step Over to the Dark Side
28:15-20 The Gloomy Finish to a Life of Rebellion