Sunday Sermon – May 8, 2022- 1 Corinthians 1- “Basics”
May 8, 2022
1 Corinthians 1
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Sermon in a Sentence: All that you need to please God is found in Christ Jesus. Remember the basics.
Here are four basics for everyone to remember:
God Divinely Initiates a Christ-Centered Relationship 1:1-3
He called Paul to preach (v1). He calls people to be saved and then to be together (v2).
God is Faithful 5:4-9
In these ways and more: to give us what we need to grow (v4-5), and to keep us to the end (v8).
Cliques in the Congregation Crush Our Testimony 5:10
All that we do in our marriages and around our town ought to be overflow from our Christ-centered relationship.
The Gospel is the Answer to Our Troubled World 5:17
1 Co. 15:3-4, “Christ died for our sins, He was buried, He was raised on the third day.”