Sunday Sermon May 2, 2021 “An Urgent Call to Enjoy Life” Ecclesiastes 9:7-10
May 2, 2021
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Ecclesiastes 9:7-10
An Urgent Call to Enjoy Life
Ecclesiastes 9:7-10
Writing out this sermon for our Wednesday night Pastor’s Bible Study, I felt the impression to preach this on Sunday morning instead. Further confirmation came from the Study Group who echoed my sentiments regarding when to preach this text. My hope is that you will be challenged to respond to God in two specific areas of your life. This sense of urgency to enjoy your life comes from the Preacher of Ecclesiastes, and ultimately God Himself.
Sermon in a Sentence: Because one day this will all end, enjoy your life at home and in the field!
I see two areas of life that the Preacher encourages us to enjoy before it is too late:
9:7 Your Social Life
It is not sinful to laugh and to have fun.
9:8 Your Guide to Festive Living
Because of the fallenness of our nature, we need guidelines and balance.
9:9 Your Personal Life
Your wife and your work.