Sunday Sermon – January 23, 2022 – Exodus 12 – “The Greatest Escape”
January 23, 2022
The Greatest Escape
Exodus 12
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
These sermons are to help reshape the way you read the Bible. The Bible is a divinely inspired Book containing carefully chosen stories that reveal the character, nature, and plan of God. Revelation contains more Old Testament quotations than any other New Testament book. This is why I am taking every other Sunday in our Revelation study to point out this close-knit connection. Last week in Revelation 9 I showed you the final half of the Tribulation. Only those marked by God will escape His judgment. Today, in Exodus 12, I hope to show you that John had the Passover Event in mind when he wrote about the plagues.
I want you to hear this idea that kept coming to me while I prepared to preach:
Sermon in a Sentence: God keeps His promise to protect His people; take the Lamb of God and escape eternal death.
12:1-6 A Chosen Lamb for Chosen People
12:7-13 God’s Plan for the Greatest Escape
12:25-27 A Story for All Generations to Hear and to Respond