Sunday Sermon-August 29, 2021-Revelation 5:1-8 -“The Slain Lamb Standing”
August 29, 2021
The Slain Lamb Standing
Revelation 5
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Still in the Spirit, John catches sight of the Messiah. The focus shifts from the throne to the scroll of destiny sealed with seven seals. Notice the intended drama as the search for moral excellence ends with a slain Lamb standing.
Sermon in a Sentence: Once slain by His enemies, now standing over Satan, Jesus is worthy to receive your worship.
5:1-4 The World’s Desperate Cry for Moral Excellence
Why is John crying so loudly? Who has John been waiting on to vindicate the Christians?
5:5-8 God’s Gracious Answer Is A Lion and a Lamb
What then should be our response?
To W______________ Christ and to S___________ against the schemes of the Devil.