Sunday Sermon- August 8, 2021- Revelation 3:7-13- “Let’s Go Find A church: 7 Sermons on the 7 Churches in Revelation” Pt 6
August 8, 2021
Let’s Go Find A Church;
7 Sermons on the 7 Churches of Revelation
Sunday, August 8, 2021
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
All of us should hope to find ourselves sitting in the congregation of the church at Philadelphia. Like Smyrna, these people are promised the crown of life because of their patient endurance. When these Jewish people believed on Christ their families and friends kicked them out and slammed the door behind them. But Jesus opened another door, the door to heaven for those who will not turn back.
Sermon in a Sentence: Because He loves you, Christ is coming to rescue you; keep a good grip on His promises.
I see two enormous encouragements to those in the church who keep a good grip on God Word:
3:7-9 Christ Will Publicly Exhibit the Holiness of His Great Name!
Christ will open the door to heaven to those who are faithful, and keep it closed to His enemies.
3:10-13 Christ Is Coming to Our Rescue!
He will keep you from the hour of trial.