Sunday Sermon – April 17,2022 – Acts 27:22-34 – “Knowing God”
April 17, 2022
Acts 27:22-34
Acts 17:22-34
April 17, 2022
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
On his second missionary journey Paul traveled to Thessalonica to preach the gospel. Jealous Jews ran him out of town, ultimately to Athens, Greece. The city was full of thinkers. Athens was home to the most prominent university in the East. The best of professors taught there. You might think of it as the Harvard of our day. When Paul preached about the resurrection of Jesus, their ears perked up and they wanted to hear more. My sermon is Paul’s sermon to those who want to know God.
Let me introduce you to God:
17:24-25 Because He is majestic, God cannot be contained in a Temple
The creation itself testifies to God’s goodness.
17:26-27 In His providence, God sets the boundaries of your life
Masters champion, Scottie Scheffler said, “Who am I to say what is best for my life?”
17:29-31 Because He cares about your eternity, God raised Jesus from the dead
The first Adam brought sin and death into the world. The second Adam, Jesus, brought redemption and eternal life for those who will believe.
Sermon in a Sentence: God will judge His world according to the righteousness of Christ. Choose Christ today and live.