Sunday Sermon – April 09,2023 – John 20:19-31 – “Peace is the Mantra of Easter”
April 9, 2023
Peace is the Mantra of Easter
John 20:19-31
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
John has his own way of describing spiritual truths. For example, on the first Easter morning the disciples were supposed to ne rejoicing. Instead, John tells us “It was evening, and the doors were locked.” Evening is one way John describes darkness or sin. The doors were locked tells us the students of Jesus were fearful. Suddenly and without warning Jesus enters and fills their puzzlements with peace. Jesus changes everything!
Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus changes everything! Believe what is written about Him and you will experience a new life.
I. An Unforgettable Easter 19-23
His C___________ words, His unique C_____________.
II. A Curiously New Body 24-29
Thomas could not have given Jesus more glorious praise than this.
III. An Invitation to Finish Your Life Well 30-31
Will you believe and let Christ begin His good work in you?