Sunday Sermon, October 24, 2021 – “Hope Discovered Hope Declared” Luke 8:26-39
October 24, 2021
Luke 8:26-39
Hope Discovered Hope Declared
Luke 8:26-39
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
This story really begins back in 8:22-25 as the disciples go for a boat ride with Jesus. Knowing the poor condition of the demoniac in Gerasa, Jesus mercifully goes to him to help him (a key theme in Luke’s Gospel is Jesus helping the helpless). On the way a storm arose on the lake to test the faith of the disciples. Obviously, their faith is still in the incubation phase. So, what kind of faith is Jesus looking for? Our text today helps to answer that question.
There are four movements to this fascinating Bible story.
26-29 The Loneliness and Helplessness of Lostness
30-33 A Demonstration of the Saving Power of Christ
34-37 Change Threatens Those Who Are Spiritually Comfortable
38-39 Hope Discovered Hope Declared
Sermon in A Sentence: Christ comes to us and sets us free;
declare in your community how much God has done for you.