Sunday January 3, 2021 “What’s Wrong With the World?” #1 Romans 1:1-17
January 4, 2021
Romans 1:1-17
#1 The world sidesteps the truth
What’s Wrong with the World?
The world sidesteps the truth: Chapter One.
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Romans 1:1-17
Sermon in a Sentence: Motivated by His love, God crafted a plan to rescue you; don’t be ashamed to let others in on it.
1:1-4 God’s Rescue Plan Spotlights His Son
The Scriptures confirm His coming
The Spirit provided power and He came back to life
1:7-15 Preaching is a Crucial Component to the Plan
To Establish
To Encourage
To Equip
1:16-17 The Plan is Reserved for Those who Believe
“The medicine prepared will not cure the patient if it be not taken.” Matthew Henry-