Sunday Sermon – September 8, 2024 – “A Matter of First Importance” – 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
September 8, 2024
A Matter of First Importance
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
September 8, 2024
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Apparently, when Paul left Corinth, some bad theologians moved in. When Paul began to teach about the resurrection, the church laughed at him. They believed the body was sort of a prison for the human soul. They were happy to live without the new body Paul proclaimed. But the resurrection is the backbone of our Gospel. We need to embrace all of the Gospel. The only way out of the mess we are in is the Gospel.
Sermon in a Sentence: The only way out of the mess we are in is the Gospel.
15:1-2 Back to the Bedrock of Our Faith
Why remind Christians about the Gospel?
What are the evidences of true conversion?
15:3-8 The Backbone of Our Gospel
What aspect of the Gospel is Paul emphasizing?
What does “according to the Scriptures” mean?
15:9-11 It All Begins with the Grace of God
What are the reasons you are unworthy to be saved?
Did you hear the Invitation in v11?