Sunday Sermon – July 14, 2024 – “God Used A Grub Worm” – Jonah 4
July 14, 2024
God Used A Grub Worm
Jonah 4
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Most of us have watched our children play together with friends. It seems like when there are only two playing together all is well. But when a third child comes along in the neighborhood and tries to join in, he is met with resistance. In Jonah 4 we read about the prophet’s childish behavior. It used to be only Jonah and the Israelites frolicking in the grace of God. But now, those pesky pagan Ninevites have moved in. God shared His grace with them too. This angered Jonah. In chapter 4 all of us are confronted by God about our spiritual immaturity. Throw aside your big ego and don’t miss the joy of being involved in God’s work.
Two observations about the fourth chapter of Jonah:
(3:10) 4:1-5 A Big Ego Concerning the Grace of God
The older brother syndrome in Luke 15.
Jonah reveals to us that he is bitter and wrestling with the grace of God.
4:6-11 A Hard Lesson from a Hungry Worm
Spiritual immaturity is something with which all of us struggle.
God appointed a great fish. God appointed a plant. God appointed a worm. God appointed an east wind and a scorching sun.
Sermon in a Sentence: Throw aside your big ego and don’t miss the joy of being involved in God’s work.