Sunday Sermon – November 20, 2022 – Philippians 2:3-18 – “Grumbling or Gratitude?”
November 20, 2022
Grumbling or Gratitude?
Philippians 2:3-18
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Only four days away from Thanksgiving, I sensed it was time to pause from Hebrews. In all honesty I think I need what God gave me this week more than you! It is so easy to grumble, isn’t it? I want to show you from Exodus where grumbling gets you. Then from Philippians I want to show you the remedy for grumbling. May our trust in God’s sovereignty soar as we see His good work in us in every circumstance. Be thankful. Happy Thanksgiving!
Sermon in a Sentence: Grumbling tests God and fails to trust His sovereignty. Gratitude compels me to see God’s hand in every circumstance..
The Sinfulness of Grumbling, Exodus 15-16
“We should have stayed in Egypt!” A sign of their pride and self-centeredness.
The Remedy for Grumbling is the Gospel, Philippians 2
“Christ humbled Himself becoming obedient to the point of death.”