Sunday sermon June 16, 2024 – “Consider Jesus” – Hebrews 2:14-18
June 16, 2024
Consider Jesus
Hebrews 2:14-18
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Clearly the theme of this text is the death and resurrection of Jesus and the benefits that result to those who believe. These verses reveal God’s wise plan from the beginning to destroy the Devil and redeem His people. That redemption had to come through a perfectly sinless fully human high priest, namely Jesus. When He died, Jesus made propitiation for the sins of humanity. This means a sacrifice that bears God’s wrath to the end and immediately exchanges God’s anger toward sin into favor on those who will trust in His Son. This makes these verses perfect for the Lord’s Supper today. Consider what Jesus has accomplished for you.
Sermon in a Sentence: Since we are all prone to drift away and shipwreck our faith, consider what Jesus has accomplished for you.
As a result of the death of Jesus, I see two accomplishments for those who believe:
1. Jesus Destroyed the Devil and his Purposes 2:14
“Do not grieve nor trouble thyself. The King has not yet clearly conquered.” John Chrysostom-
2. Jesus Delivered Us from the Fear of Judgment 2:15
The fear of death does not refer to dying. It refers to the fear of punishment at the judgment.