Sunday Sermon – December 17, 2023 – “Christ the Preeminent Son” – Colossians 1:15-23
December 17, 2023
Christ the Preeminent Son
Colossians 1:15-23
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Located in present-day Turkey, Colossae was a major trading center on the main highway to Ephesus. We need to figure how why the title “Christ” is mentioned 34 times in this short letter. One reason was to correct the heretical teachings about the sun, moon, stars, and angels. They are not to be worshiped or trusted for spiritual guidance. Christ created everything for Himself. He is the preeminent Son. The hands that molded His universe were pierced for your pardon. Anchor down in the Gospel.
Sermon in a Sentence: The hands that molded His universe were pierced for your pardon. Anchor down in the Gospel.
1:15-18 His Invisible Servants
Thrones, dominions, are highly organized but not to be worshiped.
1:19-20 His Perfect Provision
Without the preeminent Son we are alienated enemies of God.
1:21-23 Your Ongoing Obligation
Ongoing faith confirms that you are His and anchors you to the Gospel.