Sunday Sermon- October 30, 2022- Hebrews 6:1-12- “Leave the Bottle Behind!”
October 30, 2022
Leave the Bottle Behind!
Hebrews 6:1-12
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
I still remember the smell of pine rosin that we sprayed on our hands before a football game. The pine rosin helped us get a better grip on the football. In Hebrews 4 the writer reminded the church of the importance of holding on to the Christian confessions. Today, in Chapter 6 he encourages the church to not get sluggish and move on to the better things of salvation that await us.
Sermon in a Sentence: Because God wants you to receive your rewards, leave the bottle behind and start plumbing the depths of the Bible.
6:1-3 The Church Has an Assignment
Here are six fundamental beliefs that baptized believers learned in the first Century.
“And this we will do if God permits” 6:3.
6:4-6 God Has a Deadline
This the third of five warning passages in Hebrews.
Consider Numbers 14.
Life Application ➢
Start with R______________.
➢ Select B__________-___________ portions of Scripture.
➢ Look for a C______________ to obey.
➢ Ask yourself: “How has this S_____________ to me?”
➢ “What C______________ me?”
➢ “What C______________ me?”