Sunday Sermon – September 17, 2023 – “A Sermon from a Floating Pulpit” – Mark 4:1-20
September 17, 2023
A Sermon from a Floating Pulpit
Mark 4:1-20
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Once again, the crowd of outsiders press in on Jesus. So, He got into a boat, pushed off into a small bay, and He taught from a floating pulpit. With the hills around Him and the breeze behind Him His voice carried to the several thousand people on shore. Parables sift the outsiders from the insiders. Let the Word of God do its work in your soul.
Sermon in a Sentence: Only God can open your understanding. Let the Word of God do its work in your soul.
I want to approach the parable with three questions:
1-9 Do You Have Ears that Can Hear?
The Sower is Christ, the Seed is the Kingdom of God in the Person, Work, and Word of Jesus.
10-13 Why the Big Secret?
By veiling their understanding God is revealing their stubbornness.
14-20 What’s Stunting Your Growth?
Various obstacles serve to remind us to keep on listening to the Word, keep on receiving its instruction, and keep on growing to maturity.