Sunday Sermon – September 10, 2023 – “A Mysterious Meal” – Mark 14:12-31
September 10, 2023
A Mysterious Meal
Mark 14:12-31
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
I want to celebrate the Lord’s Supper with you all today. In keeping with my Mark study, we need to fast forward to chapter 14. The context is Jerusalem during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The city would have been busting at the seams with people attending the Jewish feast. When we take the Lord’s Supper we are celebrating being passed over from judgment because of the sacrifice of Christ. Eating the bread reminds us of His body given for us. Drinking the cup reminds us that Jesus is God’s Lamb who willingly shed His blood for us. We are spiritually nourished every time we participate in this intimate meal.
Sermon in a Sentence: When we take the Lord’s Supper, we enjoy the presence of God. Don’t deceive yourself and miss His presence.
12-16 A Meal Reserved for Insiders.
Jesus did not want any interruptions during this meaningful meal.
17-21 An Insider’s Fatal Mistake.
Eating together in the first century was one of the most meaningful indicators of friendship.
22-25 Spiritual Food for the Insiders.
This Supper is an invitation to an intimate encounter with Christ.
28-31 An Insider’s False Bravado.
A warning for all of us on the inside.