Sunday Sermon – July 16, 2023 – Ephesians 3:12-21 – “Don’t Get Discouraged””
July 16, 2023
Don’t Get Discouraged
Ephesians 3:12-21
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
It just makes sense for a prayer to fall after a lengthy treatise on epic theology. Even more, the prayer is situated just before Paul instructs the church on how to apply all that theology. I don’t think this prayer could have come at a better time for our church. It is easy to get discouraged. We all lose heart at times for all sorts of reasons. Don’t get discouraged and retreat from God. Ask the Holy Spirit for joyful confidence again.
Sermon in a Sentence: Don’t get discouraged and retreat from God. Ask the Holy Spirit for joyful confidence again.
There are three worthy insights to Paul’s prayer:
3:12-13 Pastoral Pathos
Why would we need such a prayer as this?
Painful S_____________.
Challenging A______________.
Spiritual B______________.
3:14-19 Posture and Plea
For power that comes from the Holy Spirit.
For personal knowledge of the love of Christ.
3:20-21 Praise to the King of Glory
This is Doxology!