Sunday Sermon – May 28, 2023 – “An Unusual Kind of Church” – Acts 4:29-37
May 28, 2023
An Unusual Kind of Church
Acts 4:29-37
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
We might imagine that after the threats from the Sanhedrin the church would retreat. But they didn’t. In an unusual kind of way they asked for more boldness to keep on telling others about Christ. As a result of His grace and their courage God blessed the church with more power. God keeps on filling us with His Spirit when we keep on following His plan.
Sermon in a Sentence: God keeps on filling us with His Spirit when we keep on following His plan.
I. A Progress Report on the State of the Church 4:32-35 V29-31
Courageous Prayer
i. Keep a close eye on our E___________.
ii. Give us a sweet A_____________
iii. Keep on showing the community Your P__________!
V32 Unusual Unity V33 Powerful Preaching V34 Unusual Submission