Sunday Sermon – March 12, 2023 – John 18 – “Two Kings Who Crossed the Kidron”
March 12, 2023
Two Kings Who Crossed the Kidron
John 18
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
The southeast wall of the city of Jerusalem towers over the Kidron Valley. In that valley is the Brook Kidron. This brook separates the city from the Mount of Olives where Jesus chose to meet privately with His disciples. The Kidron has been around for over 2000 years. Two significant kings crossed this brook. One was David the other was Jesus. Both kings experienced painful betrayals from friends and family. David retreated when he was betrayed. Jesus forged forward to His cross to usher in His kingdom.
Sermon in a Sentence: Jesus’ kingdom is breaking into the world. Give Him the throne of your heart.
1. A Revelation of Jesus’ Power and Authority John 18:5-6
What do you remember about the “I am” sayings of Jesus in John?
2. An Invitation into Jesus’ Kingdom John 18:36-37
If His Kingdom is not a geographic one, then where is it?