Sunday Sermon – January 29, 2023 – John 10:1-11 – “The Good Shepherd”
January 29, 2023
The Good Shepherd
John 10:1-11
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Set in the familiar language of the first century listeners, John writes that Jesus is the door of the sheep and the good shepherd. These figures of speech captivate our attention and move us into action. It may surprise you to hear that Jesus is not warning us about the wiles of the Devil in this text. Jesus is addressing religious leaders and their threats to the Church then and today. Don’t get hoodwinked by those in the church!
Sermon in a Sentence: Don’t get hoodwinked by enemies of the Church. Learn to recognize the voice of the True Shepherd.
I found three reflections on the Good Shepherd:
The Personal Character of the Relationship Between Shepherd and Sheep 10:3-4
He calls them by name.
They know His voice and follow Him.
The Intimate Care of the Shepherd 10:9-10
He is the door of the sheep.
He leads them in and out to pasture.
The Staggering Cost for the Souls of the Sheep 10:11, 17-18
He is the good Shepherd.
He lays down His life for the safety of the sheep.