Sunday Sermon – January 22, 2023 – John 6:1-15 “Better Bread than Manna”
January 22, 2023
Better Bread Than Manna
John 6:1-15
Sunday, January 22, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Scholars believe that one year passes between John 5 and John 6. In this miracle John intentionally uses word clues to connect us back to the Old Testament, particularly the Exodus. The story is told with words that undoubtedly relate to Moses. Moses met with God on a mountain. Moses faced a large crowd of people. Moses asked God to send bread from heaven. Someone far greater than Moses has come. Better Bread than Manna has come from heaven. Jesus is the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to Him will live forever.
Sermon in a Sentence: The Bread of God is Jesus graciously given to satisfy our greatest need. Persevere to the end.
A Moment of Déjà Vu 6:1-9
A Large Crowd v5
A Major Crisis v5
A Couple of Conversations vv6-8
A Man Far Greater than Moses 6:10-15
The Multitude v10
The Miracle vv11-12
This Man is Greater than Moses!
Life Application is in 6:35-40: