Sunday Sermon – February, 2025 – “The King’s Assignment” – Matthew 28: 16-20
February 23, 2025
The King’s Assignment
Matthew 28:16-20
February 23, 2025
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
I have chosen to preach from Matthew 28 because it is a fresh reminder of the importance of following the orders of our King. Verses 1-10 are the familiar but still exhilarating words of the resurrection of our King Jesus. 28:11-15 exposes the fear and sordid deceit of the religious leaders who are in full blown panic because the tomb is empty. Our text today is 16-20 and the King’s assignment to His people then and now. This makes chapter 28 more of a beginning than an end.
Main Idea: The passion of the King is the privilege of the Church. Let’s win the world to Jesus.
28:16-18 Mission Accomplished, Supremacy Granted
What is the significance of mentioning a mountain?
Jesus never lost authority, the emphasis is on what the resurrection means and what the Father does.
28:19-20 Universal Authority Demands A Universal Mission
The main verb is “make disciples.”
Go, baptizing, and teaching explains how to make disciples.