Sunday Sermon – December 1, 2024 – “Working Well Together” – Philippians 1: 1-14
December 1, 2024
Working Well Together
Philippians 1:1-14
December 1, 2024
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Philippians is one of the better-known letters of Paul to the church. On his second missionary journey Paul began a Christian church in Philippi. The founding member of the church was Lydia, a wealthy businesswoman. Her conversion story can be found in Acts 16. When Pasul left Philippi, he was ambushed by a mob that did not like his preaching. They arrested Paul and sent him to Rome. While in prison in Rome, Paul received a gracious financial gift that encouraged him to keep telling people about Jesus. Paul saw his relationship with the Philippians as a partnership in the Gospel. When our fellowship is thriving, people are connecting, Jesus is working, and the Gospel is advancing.
Sermon in a Sentence: When our fellowship is thriving, people are connecting, Jesus is working, the Gospel is advancing.
1:1-2 I Bless You
To all the saints in Christ.
1:3-11 I Thank You
Partnership in the Gospel.
1:12-14 I Dare You
Adversity brings us profoundly close to Jesus and strengthens our courage