8/11/2019 “Promiscuous Pergamum” Revelation 2: 12-17
August 12, 2019
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Take-Away’s from Revelation 2:12-17, Promiscuous Pergamum
“Conversion is a turning into the right road; the next thing is to walk in it. The daily going on in that road is as essential as the first starting if you would reach the desired end. Perseverance is as necessary to a man’s salvation as conversion.” Charles Spurgeon-
In 2:13 what godly behavior did the church at Pergamum model that is instructional for the church today?
What godly discipline did the pastor say is visible proof you are a child of God?
The words of Jesus in 2:14 are strong and emotive. Some church members in Pergamum were tempting the others to compromise their faith; mix a little pagan religion with Christianity. The pastor called these church members Nominal members. Do you remember what that means? They exist in N_______ only. They have not been R______________ by the Holy Spirit evidenced by their own lack of power to resist the enemy.
The church at Pergamum faced internal conflict. So, the pastor challenged the church to think of our own internal conflicts with character flaws of our old nature. What are some character flaws even church members seem to tolerate?
In 2:16 the pastor noted the “Therefore” points to the L_________ A____________. We can usually find what God wants us to do after the Therefore’s in Scripture.
There is only one imperative verb in v16. What does it mean?
In the Reward section of this letter, v17, Jesus promises a white stone. White represents _________ in Scripture so we can simply and safely conclude Jesus is conveying the idea that a change of life is necessary before one can enter heaven; and He is the Giver of that change.
Satan’s jurisdiction blankets where we live, work and play; don’t tolerate his influence in you or in your church.