Staff and Ministry Leaders
Pastor - Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Interim Student Minister - Brent Vaughan
Minister of Music - John Revels
Missions Coordinator - David Peterson
Minister of Education - Shane Reynolds
Women's Ministry Coordinator - Open
Men's Ministry Coordinator - Open
Children's Church Coordinator - Lucy Ussery
Nursery Coordinator - Suzy Keller
GA Coordinator - Chessie Humphries
RA Coordinator - Scott Reynolds
Outreach Ministry Coordinator -Angel Wallace
First Baptist Church Deacons
Scott Reynolds
John Margos
David Taylor
Bo Culp
Chad Lennon
Slade Dougharty
Sunday School Teachers
Mike Humphries
Michele Osborn
Scott Reynolds
Beth Drinkwater
John Corbitt
Chad Lennon
Slade Dougharty
Sue Gillam
Casey Kerry